SFB Mac client will not update to newest version

Copper Contributor

Hello All! I wanted to verify that I am using the newest SFB preview client for my Mac I am running version 16.0.3036. I had an associate tell me that he received an email about a newer version that was pushed and I cannot find where to verify this. I tried going to software update in the client and it reports back that the newest version is installed. Can anyone confirm this version is the newest version and if not any steps I could do to update my client to the newest version. Thanks! 

5 Replies

MAU downloaded SfB 16.0.3603 yesterday.

Ran MAU today, no new updates (Office Insider Fast).

Hi Robert,


If you're part of the Preview program, you will/should have received an email about our latest build with download instructions. If you're not part of the program, we'd like to note that we are very close to GA and you will have the client soon enough!

For those of us not in the Mac Preview group as it was closed, when is the Skype for Business Mac version launching?  Oct. '16 or Nov '16?   Can someone please clarify?

Update: MAU downloaded SfB 16.0.3615 (Office Insider Fast)

The Skype for Business on Mac client has been released to GA. I have posted a blog, here: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/Full-Circle-Product-Updates/Skype-for-Business-on-Mac-is-now-...

