Canada Call Plan Preview period questions

Copper Contributor

Hi I have been using the Canada preview for the last month.  So far so good, everything working as expected.  I have the below questions:

  1. The numbers that I have acquired, am I able to keep those at the end of the preview assuming I continue on as paying for the calling plan?  Both tool free and local exchanges.
  2. When is the preview period expect to end for Canada?
  3. Are all the minutes free during the preview?  It seems they are as in the pstn usage report nothing is declining so far?  Unless that happens once a month?
  4. What is the expected per user price for call plan in Canada?  Will it be set as 3000 Domestic and 600 Intl?
  5. How are the minutes tracked, what do I need to do if I need more minutes for some users?
  6. When will the usage reports be on the new admin portal?
  7. Where are inbound toll free minutes counted against?  Is that where I need communication credits?


New S4B PBX Admin, sorry if there are basic questions.



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