Callers stuck in Queues

Copper Contributor



We seem to be having a problem with the call queues. They are configured and can be dialed, but it seems that randomly they will cease to ring any phones of users in them. We'll have people call and they get stuck in the queue listening to the hold music until they time out and get redirected. I have removed the queues and rebuilt them with new groups and it didn't fix the issue. 


We tried testing by having three users here dial in with their cell phones to a queue with two users in it. One came through and could be answered but the other two were stuck in the queue and never rang, even after the one call was finished.


Anybody else having a similar issue? I've stopped using the queues and am utilizing team call groups for the time being, but would like to be able to fully utilize the system and not have to rely on users setting up the groups.



4 Replies
Can you tell me if you are using distribution list or Office 365Group for the agents?
I have queues pointing to both distribution groups and O365 groups. It appears to affect both.

I have been testing and can you do the following:

From PowerShell run:

PS C:\Windows\system32> Get-CsHuntGroup | ft name,agents

Name                                                        Agents
----                                                        ------
JTE Call Queue                                           {, sip:vicky@leo...
Central Call                                                {, sip:vicky@leo...

You will get your Call queue and the agent on the DL or Office 365 group you are using

Log to SBF using one of this agent, the open the Office portal and go to Call Routing tab, call queue, select your call queue and do test you will normally see the toast for your agent.

This is to check if we really see the list of agents

Thanks for your help, Leonardo!

I ran the PowerShell command and indeed the hunt groups are populated with agents. We went ahead and tested one of them with a couple of cell phones here in the office. The first two calls came in fine, but after that we ran into problems again. The third call rang twice, went to silence then was disconnected without ever reaching the hold music. The fourth call went to hold music and never rang the agents, and the fifth call went through.