SfB Mac Away status time setting

Copper Contributor

How can someone change the idle time for the Away status? Is that even available? On the Windows version is under the Status settings, but we don't have that on the Mac.

  • Show me as Inactive when my computer has been idle for this many minutes:
  • Change my status from Inactive to Away after this many minutes:


6 Replies
I've got exactly the same problem

Is there a vote going on this? This is extremely frustrating as the current threshold is VERY low. Should be variable.

I have communiticated your feedbacks to the team.

We began using Skype at work only a few weeks ago, and we are already considering changing to a different program due to the lack of this feature.  We have multiple offices and we cannot tell who is or is not logged into their systems cause we cannot control the Active/Inactive timeframe on Mac.


This needs to be addressed ASAP.

You can vote for SfB features here https://www.skypefeedback.com/forums/358488-preview