[CCE] ForwardCallHistory in CloudConnector.ini

Brass Contributor



I just upgraded to the latest CCE 2.0.0 from 1.4.1, and there is a new configuration "ForwardCallHistory" in Version 2.0.0. 


Previously in V1.4.1, I went into the Mediation Server (MS) and manually set this configuration to true.


I would like to set this "ForwardCallHistory" into the the CloudConnector.ini so that the next upgrade can use it automatically, without me going into the MS to set.


I saw at least 2 places for this ini file, but don't know where is the correct ini file to update.


(the 2 places that i can find is C:\ProgramData\CloudConnector and C:\Users\Administrator\CloudConnector\ApplianceRoot).


Please help on the location of ini file to update.

Thank you.

2 Replies

Hi Khoon, you need to change INI in .../ApplianceRoot folder.


Thank you,



Thank you.