Auto Attendant - Error Exporting Holiday Schedule

Brass Contributor
Late last year some PowerShell was added to SfB to allow for exporting and importing of holidays.  Back in December I could export and import auto attendants without issue.  Now I'm getting the following error when trying to export my holidays. Any ideas on how to fix this?
Has something changed with the backend of the AA structure potentially?  As a test, I created a new AA, added a holiday and was able to export and also import to it with no problem.  However, with all my existing AAs I get the below error.  
$bytes = Export-CsOrganizationalAutoAttendantHolidays -PrimaryUri [System.IO.File]::WriteAllBytes("C:\Temp\Holidays.csv", $bytes)
Audio file name cannot be null or whitespace. + CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Export-CsOrgani...tendantHolidays], OnlineCmdletException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : AudioFileNameNullOrWhitespace,Microsoft.Rtc.Management.Hosted.OAA.ExportCsOaaHolidaysCmdlet + PSComputerName : Exception calling "WriteAllBytes" with "2" argument(s): "Value cannot be null. Parameter name: bytes" At line:2 char:1 + [System.IO.File]::WriteAllBytes("C:\Temp\Holidays.csv", $bytes) + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [], MethodInvocationException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : ArgumentNullException
4 Replies

Do you have audio files uploaded? The error message says: "Audio file name cannot be null or whitespace"


We do not have any audio files uploaded to the holidays.  At one point we have the AA's redirecting to another AA that had audio files, but we removed those.  However, if you look at the attached document you will see that while we removed the routing to the AA that had an audio file, even after saving it keeps saying that it routes to that but when clicking the holiday settings it clearly doesn't (it is set to disconnect).  Let me do another test where I create a generic AA with all of our holidays and see if I can export, and if successful, then import into an existing AA.  I will report back my findings later today, 6/11.

@Thomas Binder


I created a dummy AA and setup a holiday there.  I was able to successfully export it.  However, now if I try to import that to one of my existing AAs I get the attached error.  Thoughts?  I cleared all the existing holidays to see if that was the issue but I still get this error.  

I am also having the same error. Created auto attendants in July.