SharePoint Contact Card displaying incorrect person

Copper Contributor

Have inserted a contact card on the page and selected the contact as 'Dai Le'. 


The snippet is showing as:

          <div class="contactCard" data-webpart-properties='{"contact":"[{\"Key\":\"i:0#.w|council\\\\dle\",\"Description\":\"COUNCIL\\\\dle\",\"DisplayText\":\"Dai Le\",\"EntityType\":\"User\",\"ProviderDisplayName\":\"Active Directory\",\"ProviderName\":\"AD\",\"IsResolved\":true,\"EntityData\":{\"Title\":\"Library Content Development and Fulfilment Officer\",\"Email\":\"\",\"MobilePhone\":\" \",\"PrincipalType\":\"User\",\"SIPAddress\":\"\",\"Department\":\"Library Services Branch\"},\"MultipleMatches\":[],\"Resolved\":true}]"}'>
          <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>


However, when the page is saved, checked in & published, the contact card is displaying as the contact 'Diana Lewis', another person in our organisation. (I would assume


Is anyone aware of the cause of this and/or how it can be resolved.


1 Reply

Hi @rmoorhouse,


That's a tough one to help with as the snippet is so specific to your organization. As an alternative to a code based solution have you considered using the out of the box People web part?


I hope this helps.

