Provide the stable service of OneNote Online when working with multiple users.


*English follows Japanese


■Title(件名):複数ユーザーにて OneNote Online の共同編集時の操作性向上希望


Enable providing the stable service of OneNote Online when working with multiple users.
現状 40 名以上のユーザーにて OneNote Onlineの共同編集を実施しているが、操作性の低下が発生する状況である。学校内で一つのノートブックを同時に複数人で参照しながら共同編集が必要なため、操作性の低下による影響が大きい。


Currently, more than 40 users in the class are working on Co-editing in OneNote Online. However, there is concerned about the movement becomes very slow and the degradation of operability have been seen. Since it's necessary for multiple users to do Co-editing while referring the specific notebook at the same time in the school, the operability drops mean the users will be greatly affected.


In order to prevent this event at the time of Co-editing, we hope the function will be enabled to provide the stable service even when working with multiple users by doing the server augmentation or else.


Thank you for your consideration.

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