Modern SharePoint and Search Results/Search Refiners Web Parts?

Silver Contributor

Any ETA on this in modern SharePoint?  Or assurance that it will be included?


We have so many search solutions, with custom display templates, so this will be another thing holding us back from adopting modern UI.

13 Replies

The only modernization of Search stuff that I have seen is on the Home page of the tenant (and that is not currently available for use anywhere else).


Unfortunately, the 40 web parts at don't include anything for search

We have a Highlighted Content web part that addresses some of the scenarios that CBS web part addressed (although not the complete set).

Also all modern pages are hooked up to the new modern search UX that we are iterating on (file type refiner is supported, more refiners in the works).

It would be great to understand what scenarios you have in mind that would require Search Refiners web part.

Honestly, I am a bit suprised at the question being asked.  Search Solutions has been one of the most powerful parts of SharePoint.


Here is a sample scenario (I have implemented tons of them, also copying pros like @Benjamin Niaulin who have published articles on this type of stuff for years).

  • We keep track of Safety Data Sheets for our products -- tens of thousands of documents
  • They are kept in multiple document libraries throughout SharePoint, but all share the same global Content Type
  • Users do not access the document libraries directly, they access a "Custom Search Solution"
  • We track metadata including Operating Company, Country, Language, Product Name, Product ID, Active
  • All of this metadata is set up inside the SharePoint Search Schema
  • When a user searches for a product, they may be presented with data sheets from multiple regions, and then can use filters to narrow down specific options based on language, country, etc
  • We use a custom display template (javascript/html) to change what information you see in a individual result - so it isnt just a boring document title and a paragraph, it is more of a table / graphical representation of the document and its metadata
  • We leverage advanced search results query rules to preset refiners as well
    • For example, our Europe operating company can direct link to a pre-filtered search result by adding the url query string "?region=Europe" to the URL and using the query rule "{?RefinableString110:{QueryString.region}}"
    • Also we use metadata like Active = Yes to only show Active product documents in our solution, even though technically users could access inactive ones, then a mirror search solution will show both Active and Inactive to internal teams that should look at the


**IF** this is not planned to be included in modern sharepoint, I am beyond shocked (and concerned).  Highlighted Content doesnt come anywhere close to meeting these needs.   


In a client tenant, I have the CBS web part that I can deploy to Wiki/WebPart pages. However, the MasterPage Gallery is gone from site settings. How can I deploy a custom display template?


I can view the mpg by manually typing the URL. But, uploading a template file results in an access denied message. I am logged in as Tenant Admin!


An update would be appreciated.

Agreed, HCWB are a serious disappointment. 

I think Modern Sites can't even be seriously considered viable until HCWB at least have an "AND" operand in the filters, and modern search can support customer refiners. 
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and here:

Hi Alina,


Please can you provide more insight on the whether the new modern search UX will continue to allow customisation of custom column/metadata as search refiners?



Mikael Svenson built a modern framework search web part with filtering that is on Github i just can't find it right now.
With a few modifications you could certainly extend this with additional meta data or views other than cards
Not mine :) merely contributed a small piece.

Should probably mention Franck Cornuas as a contributor to that GitHub project as well.

Thanks a lot for your response Alan. Seems like a viable alternative hack but our organisation has chosen to wait for Microsoft to bring in the good old search features into the UI, kinda like they did with modern list/libraries.


Holds breath :)

User performs a search and further refines it based on managed metadata. For complex library, or higher-level search centers this is really needed. Not everyone knows/want to type property:value in the search box.