Embed not visible (media web part is blank) in IOS on mobile

Copper Contributor

I have an Embed YouTube video on homepage of SharePoint Intranet site. Upon opening the SharePoint app, the webpart does not show with the Embed YouTube video on IOS device. When I open in Safari, it appears. However, the main issue is that, when launched via the SharePoint app, the video automatically plays. I can use the mobile device back arrow and it takes me to the site, but the video webpart does not appear. Any ideas? Please help.   I have tried the following from another thread and no luck:   


  1. Video webpart not showing up upon launching SharePoint App
    1. Resolution:  Open in Safari
  2. YouTube Video automatically playing upon launching SharePoint App
    1. Troubleshooting #1:  Turned off “autoplay” in YouTube
    2. Troubleshooting #2:  Removed the “autoplay” code from the embed YouTube text
    3. Troubleshooting #3: Turned off “video autoplay” on IOS device
    4. Troubleshooting #4: Turned off “Prevent Cross-Site Tracking Prevention”
    5. Troubleshooting #5: Cleared cookies/Safari history from IOS device settings
  1. None of the above worked
  1. Opened ticket with Stack Exchange to poll SharePoint Community
  2. Opened ticket with Microsoft to see if there has been any additional movement on the fix
2 Replies
John Sanders, are you able to assist here? Please and thank you.
This could be a bug in the SharePoint Mobile App. I recommend you to report the problem opening a support ticket since the App does not seem to provide a way to report a problem