Behaviour of 'Shared with us' in O365 Groups

Copper Contributor

Good evening all,


I'm trying to work out the behaviour of 'Shared With Us' for Office 365 Groups.


We are a very structured organisation moving to SharePoint Online. Our central team would like to share a set of statutory folders from their unified group with each of our departments, which have their own unified groups.


I've automated the creation of folders in the central team's SharePoint site, then used Set-PNPListItemPermission commandlet to add the direct share permission for the departments unified group to each statutory folder.


I had assumed that this would add the link into the department's 'Shared with Us' folder, however is doesn't appear.


If I manually share with the 'Send Link' Functionality (Sending an email and creating a link) the folder appears. If I then remove the link on the folder it then persists.


Is there a PNP commandlet for creating sharing links?


What is happening here?


Thank you all in advance!






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