PnP PowerShell - tell if an Add-PnPFile was successful

Silver Contributor

What is the best way in powershell scripts to tell if an Add-PnPFile was actually successful in performing an upload?  Ideally want to store a "successful" true or false in a variable.

4 Replies

Check if you can do something similar to the below.


$status=Add-PnPFile -Folder "Shared documents" -Path C:\eports.xml -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

Kinda yes kinda no


For example, in this example, a library called "Shared documents bad name" doesnt exist, but $successful is true.

$status=Add-PnPFile -Folder "Shared documents bad name" -Path C:\eports.xml -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

I trust in general it will work if I have my folder parameter and path parameter correct, but I typically have had several try catchs in my "manual" upload functions that would account for various things, and would always return the document ID of the newly updated file.


We do alot of deleting files off of file shares after they have uploaded, but I can't figure out a true way to confirm the file was ACTUALLY uploaded without making a second call I guess to confirm the file with the file name exists.  Often these files will overwrite existing ones though.


Ok, I've got it now, I can use this:


    $upload = Add-PnPFile -Path $file.FullName -Folder "Shared Documents" -Values $metadata
        $successCounter += 1
        Write-Host "Successful Upload" -ForegroundColor Green
        Remove-Item -LiteralPath $file.FullName   
    } else {
        Write-Host "ERROR - Unable to Upload" -ForegroundColor Green

$upload itself isnt null if failed, but $upload.UniqueId would be null if failed.

The following works for me


$FileSuccessLog = "C:\temp\logging\FileSuccessLog.log"
$FileFailureLog = "C:\temp\logging\FileFailureLog.log"

  Add-PNPFile -Path $FilePath -folder "Some Document Library/Folder"
  $fileSuccess = "Y"
  $fileSuccess = "N"
Finally {
      Add-content $FileFailureLog -value "$(get-date -f o) Failure with attempt to add file $FilePath."
      Add-content $FileSuccessLog -value "$(get-date -f o) Success with attempt to add file $FilePath."