Newsfeeds in SP onprem has profile images problem:

Iron Contributor



I am having a strange issue with a Newsfeed webpart. When the page loads all the inputs in the Newsfeeds show the profile image of the user that wrote the input as it should. But when I click in the "Show more posts" at the end of the newsfeed the profile images are missing. 
I have checked the url to the images and the same image gets two different urls, i.e.: the page load and the user X wrote a post and the profile image shows normal. the url to the image is: 




When I click in the "Show more posts" the same user get another url to the image:


Here what it seems strange is the beginning of the url, is not longer "http:/tenant/". 
If I copy the link to the conversation and open it in a new tab the profile image loads without any problem and it gets the url like the first one in this post. 


Why when i click in Show more posts the profile image gets another url?

This is a SP onprem



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