Apps added to App Catalog not available for installation on other sites

Copper Contributor

I started with SPFx development recently. I packaged a client side web-part as a file helloworld-webpart.sppkg following Microsoft's tutorial. Then I uploaded it to my Apps Catalog site. Though it was uploaded to the Apps Catalog successfully, but it's not available for installation on any of the sites. I tried the gear 'Add an App', tried searching for 'helloworld', but couldn't find it.

Any suggestion/help on this would be much appreciated.

3 Replies

Hello Khan,


Please try with below steps and deploy again your webaprt 


1)  Change deployment location  in write.mainfests.json file under config folder in your project 



2) run these 2 commends . package will create and stored in temp/deploy  folder 

gulp –ship

gulp package-solution –ship


3) Create web part folder under Store Assets , Copy complete deploy folder and paste in your asserts folder in SharePoint. list


4) Upload your app in your appcatalog


5) Trust your app solution


6) Try again      


down vote
I figured it out. The problem was with my webpart code. I were getting this error before packaging the webpart:

-> Cannot find module 'helloWorldStrings'

I removed this error first, then again packaged the solution and uploaded it to the Apps Catalog site. This time it is working fine as expected.



I get the same issue, I manage to solve it using Powershell.

I uploaded the SPFx package to my Apps Catalog site using powershell and when I look for it , I find it.


Connect-PnPOnline -UseWebLogin $Site
# Add the app to the app catalog and publish it
Add-PnPApp -Path $appPath -Scope Site -Publish


I hope this solution can help someone