Data Modeling in Excel using Power Pivot

Former Employee

Learn how Power Pivot simplifies data analysis. Topics include: multiple tables and relationships, editable linked tables, DAX formulas, custom calendars, and measure concepts, with a focus on demonstrating each of these capabilities.


6 Replies

Hi Olaf.

Enjoyed the Video. Thank you for sharing it.


Can you recomend so called "full blown courses on DAX" as referenced by Mr. Dickerman ?


Do you knwo who is teaching DAX and where ?


I did the Lynda Class ( "Excel-power-pivot-dax" and can very much recomend it, though I'd still feel there is so much more to learn. In particular on the "create Functions" and the use of the "Advance Editor" section.

This site has a lot of resources
Also take a look at this course.
Awesome. Added to my learning Plan. Thx.

I'd add, in particular In general google/bing Alberto Ferrari, Marco Russo, Rob Collie (sorry for not mentioned more) - you'll find a lot of resources and great books on Amazon.

Also add Mike Girvin's YouTube Channel to your list. ExcelIsFun

If your in the Seattle area, you might even enroll at Highline Comunity College for some of his classes!

Thx. Good Tip.
Am actually following Mike Girvin since quite a while and made the rule that every newstarter in my team has to spend the first month watching at least two hours per day of his YouTube channel.