PowerPoint - Title bar translation not correct

PowerPoint - Title bar translation not correct



 Apr 06 2018
3 Comments (3 New)

-Office Product/App/Service Name: Office 365 Pro Plus 1803

-Description of issue: Improper translation of "Saved in..." in title bar

-Steps to reproduce the error: Open saved document from my computer

-Please attach a screenshot of the issue to the post. - see below
-Language: Serbian (Latin)

-Build Number or Location/URL: 1803, v 9126.2116 CTR
-Platform: Windows 10 Pro 1709

If applicable..
-Current Translation: "Sačuvano u usluzi Ovaj računar"
-Suggested Translation: "Sačuvano na ovom računaru" or "Sačuvano na disku"
-Corresponding English Text (if known): "Saved on service" (not sure)
-Reason for change: Computer is not a service. And yet, this translation suggest exactly that - as "usluga/usluzi" means "service". Word "usluzi" should at least be removed. Even "Sačuvano u" sounds better than this text.

PPT Title bar error.png


Thanks for reporting this and the suggested translations @Dragan Panjkov. We'll ask the moderator to review it and get back to you in the Report Translation Issue PowerBI dashboard.

Copper Contributor
Status changed to: Working on it
Status changed to: Completed