Unable to remove OneDrive account

Silver Contributor

I'm a consultant and have several OneDrive links to various tenants to which I no longer have access. It appears that it is not possible to remove these. There has been an item in UserVoice for this for 10 months, see https://onedrive.uservoice.com/forums/262982-onedrive/suggestions/13767552-remove-one-onedrive-for-b... but still no action.


Does anyone know of a way to remove inaccessible OneDrives from the client?

3 Replies
Wouldn't you just select "stop syncing"?

I have done that and the icon and content are still visible in Windows Explorer.

Dean, you should manually remove the keys from the registry, which is always a dangerous exercise. I showed how in another thread, which I don't have at hand now. Maybe you could search for it...