Difference between Delve search and Search Online Documents

Not applicable

One of our users asked me this questions and I'm not really sure about the answer. What is the difference in searching in Delve and doing a Serach Online Documents which is in the main portal of Office365?


3 Replies
It should not be any difference...both Delve and Search in the Office 365 Home Page are powered by the Microsoft Graph
I would refer you to this link that explains (in turn you can forward this to your user) difference between Classic Search (based on search index, no Graph support) v/s Modern Search (based on Graph). https://searchexplained.com/modern-vs-classic-search-experiences-in-office-365/



I am working on the modern search experience and can understand that it must be confusing having so many different search experiences. But I can say that we have a focus on creating a coherent search experience across office 365. This applies to both the searchbox and the search results page.


Examples of this is if you do your search across any teamsite / communicationsite / hubsite or from https://office.com. Here you will see the same search experience that uses searches from the sharepoint search index and the office graph. For most customers the sharepoint home / sharepoint portal page <tenant>.sharepoint.com/_layouts/15/sharepoint.aspx also has this same search experience and all customers should soon have this soon in sharepoint home / sharepoint portal page.


Please let us know how you feel about this search experience and also the direction of getting to a coherent search experience.