Default Group Privacy Setting


Is it possible to change the default group privacy setting to private from public?

12 Replies

Afaik, no. @Tony Redmond might know more :)

Do you mean that when a Group is created it should be created as private by default?

Yes, when a user goes to create a group, I would like to have the default privacy setting set to Private instead of Public.

As Vassil said, I thik it's not possible

it's not possible. the goal is to foster collaboration hence public by default

As Christophe says, it's not possible to make private the default. However, there's nothing to stop you running some PowerShell to set groups to be private unless they meet a certain criterion (for instance, a certain value is found in the Notes field).
Same here - when creating a new group from xyz .. the pre-selected type shoul dbe private (user may overlook) and only by intend they shall set to public.

Does anyone know of a PowerShell script whereby you can convert all Public groups to Private ?


The idea is I can perform a "sweep up" in case any users created Public groups (for data privacy reasons we want all groups to be Private)


Thanks in advance

Not a script, but here is the PowerShell you need to create it:

I found it:

Get-UnifiedGroup | Where {$_.AccessType -eq "Public"} | Set-UnifiedGroup -AccessType Private

A more advance version based on classification:


# Variables:
#   Cut off date in days
#   Classification
$cutoffdate = ((Get-Date).AddDays(-10))
$classification = "High"

# Retrieve recently created groups with accesstype set to PUBLIC
$Groups = Get-UnifiedGroup | Where-Object {
    $_.WhenCreated -ge $cutoffdate -and $_.AccessType -eq 'Public' -and $_.Classification -eq $classification } `
     | Sort-Object whencreated | Select DisplayName, WhenCreated, AccessType, Classification, ManagedBy

# For each new group update set accesstype to PRIVATE
ForEach ($G in $Groups) {
    Set-UnifiedGroup -Identity $G.DisplayName -AccessType 'Private'
    Write-Host "The following Group privacy setting was updated:" $G.DisplayName