Organization or Department Calendars

Copper Contributor

In Office 365, what is the best approach to calendars that are edited by few, but viewable by many?


Use cases: Company Holidays, Production Schedules, Training Opportunities

2 Replies

No perfect option for this, sadly. Your choice is between a Public folder calendar, Group Calendar or calendar stored in a Shared/resource mailbox. Both have different limitations in terms of client access or functionalities, for example neither PFs nor Shared mailboxes are accessible on mobiles (in general, there are certain workarounds available). Group calendars on the other side are accessible on mobiles but only limited to Outlook 2016 on the desktop, and are tricky to set up permission-wise. Things get even more complicated if you want to Publish the calendar (make it available via web page).


You might also check the recently introduced Bookings.

Thanks Vasil