Meetings on phone do not show Meeting Title

Copper Contributor

We are testing the Teams native client (1449/ on the Poly Trio 8800 phone and it generally looks good. However, when viewing the calendar on the device screen it lists only the meeting organizer, not the meeting title as set, for example, "IT Weekly Meeting". Even when viewing the meeting details, we see everything except the meeting title.


When there are multiple meeting, it makes it difficult to identify the correct meeting. If I create a meeting on the phone, it does display the meeting title.

2 Replies
More info... I used PowerShell and -Set-CalendarProcessing -AddOrganizerToSubject $false. Now, in place of the organizer's name is: (No Title).
I solved this... had to add one more parameter to the Set-CalendarProcessing -DeleteSubject $false.