Does Teams have activity/engagement reports?

Copper Contributor

Does Team have reports showing the activity from individuals in Teams? I am not looking for admin reports, but for reports that the Teams group owner can get. I would like to manage a community in Teams, but activity reports are a must-have, and our team are not Tenant or Teams admins. We only own the teams group.

3 Replies
No, the reports are accessible from the admin / teams portal! There is teams specific roles that can be granted to owners to go in and see reports and usage but they will see all usage then! There’s nothing for that team alone!

There could be a way of doing this as a power Bi report and add permissions to the owner(s) or directly in teams!
They are releasing reports for Team owners soon, it was in the message center as rolling out, so it should hopefully be in soon and not one of these lost features that randomly disappear :). Anyway, it's coming.
Indeed great news