Call forwarding to non-licensed user

Iron Contributor

Hey guys,


a customer of us is planning to deploy domestic calling plans. But not all of their users really need desk phones so they already have removed them after their Teams onboarding, because they don't really have the need starting PSTN calls anyway.

So there are some users who are just fine with Teams only without calling plans.

If now the reception receives a PSTN call and the caller wants to speak to John who has no extension anymore and no calling plan, is it possible to route this incoming call to John?


Kind regards,


4 Replies

Hi @woelki,


when I first saw your question my answer was like "It should work - why not"

Then I did some testing and took a look at the logs.

My answer is now: It does not work in my Tenant.

I tried a transfer to a teams only user which has a phone system license but has no pstn number. This transfer is not working. In the logs, I saw this:

"Calculated isForwardingToUserAllowed with the following flags: {"isPSTNCallingAllowed":false,"isForwardingToUserPolicyHonored":true,"isForwardingToUserAllowed":true,"result":false}. Old state: false, Current state false"


Then I tried a "set-csuser -Identity -EnterpriseVoiceEnabled $true" for the test user. After this, the transfer came through to the user but after accepting it the call failed.





@Paul Lange correct. The license is to have the functionality to receive calls, whether you assign a number or not is secondary.

@Paul Lange  I like those technical answers. Thanks for that.


So this means, the user needs the phone system licence and the calling plan, right?

A Phone System license is needed according to documentation but it isn't required to have a phone number or have Calling Plans assigned to them.

This does sound quite expensive (depending on # users) compared to more traditional phone systems.