Automatically notify your team

Brass Contributor

Just a fun little side project I thought I'd share if someone is interested.


We're moving customers and ourselves in to Microsoft Teams for collaboration, support discussions etc. with a high intensity. While doing so we quickly find that it's easier to get people to consume information and get the information quickly rather than using for example email.

So why not use this opportunity to get information out quick to our Intune admins what's going on in the environment.


  • 1st scenario was to inform everyone about the state of all devices. This included the following
    • Adding Incoming Webhook as a connector to a channel in Teams 
      • Set up a PS script which exports all devices with information about the compliancestate, assigned user, OS and id in to a CSV. This CSV is then uploaded to the sharepoint site for the specific team and a notification via webhook is sent to the channel showing the number of compliant and noncompliant devices with a link to the CSV for more information. See screenshot:techcomm.PNG
  • 2nd scenario informs the team when a VPP or DEP token is about to expire so that we can act quickly.
    • This uses the same PS script for sending a webhook to the channel with some different parameters, see screenshot:            techcomm2.PNG

I'm waiting eagerly for some functions to become available using webhooks like @mentioning someone. But overall I think this is a good and quick way of giving my team information on whats going on in the environment.


What's your thought on this? see any use for it? any use case that comes to mind?

Comment and we'll discuss togheter :)

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