A Threat to Device Security: Social Engineering

Former Employee

Social engineering attacks, classified as hackers using manipulative methods to trick users into handing over confidential information, have become one of the most powerful and common tools in security breaches. By bringing hacking to a more personal level, hackers capitalize on human emotion – fear, urgency or complacency. Many phishing attempts come in the form of familiarity—a brand you’ve interacted with, the IT department of the company you work for, an action you have taken before—making the interaction seem normal.

This brings to light one of the weakest links in device security – your end-users. In our next post, we’ll be discussing where the accountability lies. In some ways, your EMM should protect against human error—but to what degree are end-users responsible for securing their own devices to protect the larger network?

Have any examples of phishing, specifically social engineering stories? Share below!

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