Hide a macro

Copper Contributor



How can I hide or block a macro so that nobody else can edit or change it? I need to make a macro enabled workbook available to many users.

2 Replies
You can lock your macro code via the following steps: Alt + F11 to open the VBA window Tools > VbaProjectProperties > Protection Tab

VBA is well known to not be secure. Even if you put a password on your VB Project, it's relatively easily hacked. Project protection has not been changed in several years, and is the equivalent of 30 year old security measures, typically hacked with free apps.


The best way I know of to really secure a VB Project is with a program called Unviewable+. It's not free, but it's worth it. I use it and love it. As far as I know there's no way to get to the project - but beware, even you can't access the project once it's been run through this application, so always run it on a copy of your file(s).