Make it possible for the modification package to update base package entry points

Make it possible for the modification package to update base package entry points



 Jun 04 2019
2 Comments (2 New)
In the backlog

Currently, there is no way to extend the original application by for example adjusting the shortcut parameters or changing the application to target PSF launcher to inject custom fixups and other stuff. Ability to override the original shortcut would be required for IT Pros using Modification Packages to deploy and customize their software.


Use case:

  • MSIX package is available as an official installation media from the software vendor
  • Enterprise would like to customize the app by calling some first-launch-configuration script, or injecting a custom logic to be executed
  • The proper place for both would be to use PSF framework by re-targeting the original shortcut to the launcher, and have JSON file do the rest.
  • The above may be achieved only if the original package uses PSF. In this case, the user can try to override the original JSON file so that it gets applied instead.
  • However vendor packages will only use the PSF in case of known compatibilities which were not resolved in code, so it is very likely that the package does not use PSF Launcher.
  • As a result, the author of the Modification Package is unable to achieve the above, because at the moment MP do not provide any kind of functionality of overriding the original shortcut (they have no entry points as a matter of fact).
  • The workaround is to repackage the original MSIX, add any existing modifications and re-save it using own signature. This on the other hand breaks the identity and future updates.

The suggestion is to implement a possibility to define entry points, which - in case of modification packages - override the base ones.

Brass Contributor

After going through other suggestions in details, I think this may partially cover the following idea from Tim Mangan (possibly they should be merged):

Status changed to: In the backlog