Writing a formula to return a blank if no data is in an adjacent cell

Copper Contributor

I've forgoten how to how to write a simple formula that will keep the cell blank if there isn't any data in an adjacent otherwise it should do the calculation.


This is how I wrote it.

=IF((E7=" "," "),(F6+E7))


Thank you 

4 Replies

Hello Chris



Thank you

It still returns the result of the formula. I'd the cell to remain blank until an entry is intered in E7.



Oh thank you. I figured it out. I had a space between the quoatation marks.


It works! 


Thank you!


Dear Chris,

You can also replace this part: E7="" , by this one: ISBLANK(E7)
This will help you to restrict the applying of the formula more then ever.

The applying with this replacement will stop only for the completely blank cells.