Linking Various Formulas

Copper Contributor


I would like to link 3 different formulas together, that allows me to edit the number without altering the formulas. For example, I want to link a formula to calculate cm, to feet, to inch and vice versa but a) I can't loop all 3 together, there would be an error and b) when I link cm-> feet -> inch, and when I edit the middle portion (feet), the link between cm and feet would disappear.

I hope I am not confusing anyone and any help is greatly appreciated!
Thank you!

4 Replies



You didn't show your formulas.

It better be something with CONVERT().


I'm confused! I "think" I know what you want but with a bit more info like a file attachment or a fuller description of what you've tried would be helpful.



Here is a photo of what I am trying to do.

Screen Shot 2018-04-25 at 9.54.05 am.png

So I want to be able to type in the box cm, feet or inch so that they will change accordingly like an auto calculator. So eg, if I type 1 feet, the inch would change to 12inch, cm to 30.4cm. If I were to type in the inch box, it should change the feet and cm accordingly.(:



A formula-wise solution you would need some helper cells. Otherwise you have to use a macro.

I offer you the formula solution.


cmftin  cmftin
 4 4ft121,92448


D2: =LOOKUP(9^9,A2:C2) or SUM(A2:C2) or MEDIAN() or AVERAGE() ...

E2: =IF(COUNT(A2:C2)=1,LOOKUP(9^9,A2:C2,A$1:C$1),"Type only ONE number")

F2: =CONVERT($D2,$E2,F$1)