Counting data from multiple sheets onto a summary sheet.

Copper Contributor

I have an attendance tracker that has a YTD summary sheet and a sheet for each quarter. I have used a COUNTIF function on each of the quarter sheets   =COUNTIF($E6:$CQ6, ">0") that totals the number of cells that have any entry in them.

I want to have a column in the YTD summary that will pull the data from each of the four quarter sheets and total them on the summary sheet.

What would be the proper formula to use, COUNTIF, COINTIFS or something else?

Any help would be appreciated.

1 Reply
Hi Michael

Assuming your data is layed out the same in every sheet, you could insert this formula into your Summary sheet to sum the results of the other sheets:

=SUM(SheetName1!G6, SheetName2!G6, SheetName3!G6, SheetName4!G6, SheetName5!G6, SheetName6!G6)

Replace SheetName with the actual sheet tab name, change the G6 cell to whatever the cell is that you want to sum up.

If you want to sum up a range, then try:

=SUM(SheetName1!G6:N6, SheetName2!G6:N6, SheetName3!G6:N6, SheetName4!G6:N6, SheetName5!G6:N6, SheetName6!G6:N6)

Replace G6 with a range like G6:N6.

And of course, only add the sheets you want, I have referenced 6 sheets as an example, but you can just delete or add more parts where needed.

I hope that is the answer, if not, please upload a sample of the file if you can and we can try again!

Good luck!
