countif / index / match

Copper Contributor

Hi @Twifoo 


Are you able to help me with a formula? I am having trouble with countif/index/match..


I need to look at a range of data (+PLOD'!$H$2:$AX$1048576) and count the number of times a figure appears ($C$1) if the date ('PLOD Sum'!B2) appears in this field ('+PLOD'!$B$2:$B$1048576)


The formula I am using is this:

=IFERROR(COUNTIF(INDEX('+PLOD'!$H$2:$AX$1048576,MATCH('PLOD Sum'!B2,'+PLOD'!$B$2:$B$1048576,0),),$C$1),"No Data")


The issue I am having is there is more than one date row with relevant figures to count, so when I use the above formula it works but is only counting the first row with the relevant date instead of the number of rows with the relevant date... I hope this makes sense?

Thank you in advance!

6 Replies


Let me rephrase your requirement to this: 


COUNT the instances of the value in C1 in the range '+PLOD'!H2:AX1048576, only in rows where the date in 'PLOD SUM'!B2 is found in '+PLOD'!B2:B1048576; otherwise, return "No Data". 


The foregoing requirement translates to this formula: 


('PLOD'!B2:B1048576='PLOD SUM'!B2)),


('PLOD'!B2:B1048576='PLOD SUM'!B2)),

"No Data")

Thank you @Twifoo I understand the logic, but this formula doesn't seem to be working in excel..


I am getting an error stating 'Excel ran out of resources while attempting to calculate one or more formulas. As a result, these formulas cannot be evaluated'




Instead of using direct references, define them as dynamic ranges. Thereafter, use those defined names in the formula I suggested.

Thank you @Twifoo 


I have defined the ranges and am using the following formula but am still returning with a #N/A




Are my offsets correct? Im not sure about PLOD1 given im looking at a number of columns


PLOD1 =OFFSET('+PLOD'!$H$2,0,0,COUNTA('+PLOD'!$H:$AX),1)


PLOD2  =OFFSET('+PLOD'!$B$2,0,0,COUNTA('+PLOD'!$B:$B),1)



OFFSET is a volatile function. Instead, use INDEX to define the names like these: 






Thereafter, use the foregoing names in the formula like this: 





"No Data")


Recently, I eschewed the repetition of ISNUMBER-FIND in my reply here:

Similarly, the repetition of SUMPRODUCT in my suggested formula could also be eschewed like this: 



(PLOD2='PLOD SUM'!B2)))),

"No Data")