Copper Contributor



Can some one help me on below use case:


I want to make a rest call [post/get] from excel macro from background . The macro should execute silently for every 5sec.  If rest call gets valid response, show some message to user.


Note: When macro is running in the background asynch , it should not interrupt the user experience on excel

4 Replies
What have you tried so far?

I have tried call back method. But the problem is the excel is getting slow as the macro is running contentiously in the back ground. Below is the code I have used FYR


Public sub TestRestServiceStatus()

Set MyOnReadyStateWrapper = New MyReadyStateHandler
Set docx = New MSXML2.XMLHTTP60
docx.OnReadyStateChange = MyOnReadyStateWrapper
docx.Open "POST", urlString, False

docx.send jsonBody

responceStatus = MyOnReadyStateWrapper.IsReadyState
If (responceStatus = True) Then
  Dim notificationOutPut As String: notificationOutPut = MyOnReadyStateWrapper.outPutText

      If InStr(notificationOutPut , "PROCESSING") > 0 Then
                 Call TestRestServiceStatus     

    ElseIf  InStr(notificationOutPut , "COMPLETE") > 0 Then

         'Notify User on Excel




-----------------------Below is the MyOnReadyStateWrapper module-----------------


Sub OnReadyStateChange()

If Actions.docx.readyState = 4 Then
If Actions.docx.Status = 200 Then
IsReadyState = True
outPutText = Actions.docx.responseText
ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(AmbassadorSheetName).Range("H50").Value = outPutText & DateTime.Now
Exit Sub
IsReadyState = False
Exit Sub
End If
End If

End Sub

Hmm, I don't think I can help much based on this information. I would probably have to see the entire project. EVen then, I currently lack the time to do dedicated trouble-shooting on this, I'm sorry!
Thanks @Jan It be would be helpful if any one can just suggest me the best way to do this usecase.