Text to columns

Copper Contributor

We are migrating from one database to another. I have a customer spreadsheet with an address block which is all in 1 column but separated by line breaks that needs splitting into 6 columns. When you click the cell it looks like this:


National Centre for Learning Welsh

Aberystwyth University

P5 Campws Penglais



SY23 3UX


When I press 'text to columns' it only transfers the 1st line and ignores the rest - even in the preview.

I am using Ctrl J as the delimiter.

I have done find and replace to swap the line break for different delimiter characters (e.g. ~ ; ^) e.g.


National Centre for Learning Welsh~Aberystwyth University~P5 Campws Penglais~Aberystwyth~Ceredigion ~SY23 3U


but it still ignores everything after the first line. I've tried it with a test (test~test~test) just typed in to make sure I'm doing it correctly and that works.

11 Replies
Did you highlight the rows with data in it? If you just highlight the first row that is all you get. So highlight all the rows with data and show work fine, (You can highlight the entire column by pressing the Column letter at the top of the worksheet.

@Axle-Flipps_1 , looks strange. Could you please provide small sample Excel file to check? (info as in your post will be enough).

Two steps:
1) Select cells you need to fix
Then select Find & Replace (Ctrl+f)
Select Replace Tab
fill "Find what:" and put there Ctrl+j
fill "Replace with:" and put there example $$ or something what is not appearing in cell data
Select "Replace All"
2) Now use "Text to Columns" and Delimited and Other. Fill it with $$ or something what you select on "Replace with"

@Axle-Flipps_1 I am having the exact same problem! Did you find a solution? Even when I replaced all of the carriage returns with a comma for instance, it still isn't working. I'll select a bunch of rows, but even the preview will only show the separated results for the first row/cell. If I start the process over again one row down, it will then give me the separated results for that row. I cannot for the life of me figure this out!

Actually, I read somewhere else that Excel can't handle a line break in the cells, so you can search and replace for Ctrl J and Alt-Enter to get rid of those, still not my entire problem but getting closer.


Hello Sarah, could you provide some of your data to be able to perform an analysis here. Without the original data that does not work, it can not work.

If you can't share documents here, then please use another file sharing service and post the link here.


BTW: What is CTRL+ J for a shortcut. Where does it do something? Is it a character or formatting in a program? Is it from the Mac? It doesn't seem to do anything in Excel on Windows.



As this seems to be a problem many people (including myself) have encountered...


How about executing a VBA procedure (shown below) to split the text?  You would not have to save the VBA procedure in the workbook; you could either create it in your PERSONAL.xlsb file, or just store it in the workbook temporarily, and delete the code after use.



Sub SplitTextToColumns()
'   This procedure will split the text in a column of the currently-
'       selected row into separate adjacent columns in the same row.
'       The split occurs where a particular delimiter is found, which
'       is specified by the user.
'   The procedure splits the text in all rows from the current row down
'       until it reaches an empty cell (or a cell with an empty string
'       value) in the source-text column.  Code is included to warn the
'       user if some non-empty string value is about to be overwritten.

    Const strPROCEDURE_NAME As String = "SplitTextToColumns"
    Dim strWorksheetName    As String
    Dim strMessage      As String
    Dim in4UserResponse As VbMsgBoxResult
    Dim strDelimiter  As String
    Dim strSourceCol    As String
    Dim in4CurrentRow   As Long
    Dim objRange        As Range
    Dim strCellContent  As String
    Dim strPieces()     As String
    Dim in4PieceIndex   As Long
    Dim in4RelativeCol  As Long
    '----   Determine the active worksheet and row.
    strWorksheetName = ActiveSheet.Name
    in4CurrentRow = ActiveCell.Row
    '----   Get confirmation and option choices from the user.
    strMessage = "Are you sure you want to split cell contents" _
            & " in worksheet " & strWorksheetName _
            & ", starting at row " & CStr(in4CurrentRow) _
            & " and overwriting adjacent columns to the right?"
    in4UserResponse = MsgBox(strMessage, vbQuestion Or vbYesNo _
            Or vbDefaultButton2, strPROCEDURE_NAME)
    If in4UserResponse = vbNo Then
        Exit Sub
    End If
    '  --   Prompt for the column.
    strMessage = "Which column contains the text to be split?  (Enter" _
            & " the letter(s).)"
    strSourceCol = InputBox(strMessage, strPROCEDURE_NAME, "A")
    If strSourceCol = "" Then
        strMessage = "That's required information.  Quitting."
        Call MsgBox(strMessage, vbInformation Or vbOKOnly, strPROCEDURE_NAME)
        Exit Sub
    ElseIf Len(strSourceCol) > 3 Then
        strMessage = "Invalid input.  Quitting."
        Call MsgBox(strMessage, vbInformation Or vbOKOnly, strPROCEDURE_NAME)
        Exit Sub
    ElseIf Len(strSourceCol) = 3 _
    And UCase$(strSourceCol) >= "XED" Then
        strMessage = "Too far to the right.  Quitting."
        '...that far out, the text is likely to be split beyond the
        '   available columns.
        Call MsgBox(strMessage, vbInformation Or vbOKOnly, strPROCEDURE_NAME)
        Exit Sub
        strSourceCol = UCase$(strSourceCol)
    End If
    '  --   Prompt for the delimiter.
    strMessage = "Enter the delimiter character, or TAB or LF or CR" _
            & " for a special character:"
    strDelimiter = InputBox(strMessage, strPROCEDURE_NAME)
    If strDelimiter = "" Then
        strMessage = "That's required information.  Quitting."
        Call MsgBox(strMessage, vbInformation Or vbOKOnly, strPROCEDURE_NAME)
        Exit Sub
    ElseIf UCase$(strDelimiter) = "TAB" Then
        strDelimiter = Chr(9) 'tab character
    ElseIf UCase$(strDelimiter) = "LF" Then
        strDelimiter = Chr(10)    'line feed character
    ElseIf UCase$(strDelimiter) = "CR" Then
        strDelimiter = Chr(13)    'carriage return character
    ElseIf Len(strDelimiter) > 1 Then
        strMessage = "Invalid input.  Quitting."
        Call MsgBox(strMessage, vbInformation Or vbOKOnly, strPROCEDURE_NAME)
        Exit Sub
        'Use the value in strDelimiter as-is.
    End If
    '----   Process the current row and following rows.
    With Worksheets(strWorksheetName)
            Set objRange = .Range(strSourceCol & CStr(in4CurrentRow))
            strCellContent = Selection.Value
            If strCellContent = "" Then
                '...we're done.
                strMessage = "Stopping at 'empty' cell in row " _
                        & CStr(in4CurrentRow)
                Call MsgBox(strMessage, vbInformation Or vbOKOnly)
                Exit Do
            End If
            '  --   Do the work for this row.
            strPieces = Split(strCellContent, strDelimiter)
            For in4PieceIndex = 0 To UBound(strPieces)
                in4RelativeCol = in4PieceIndex + 1
                strCellContent = objRange.Offset(0, in4RelativeCol).Value
                If strCellContent <> "" Then
                    strMessage = "WARNING! Row " & CStr(in4CurrentRow) _
                            & " is not empty in a destination cell.  Is It" _
                            & " OK to overwrite the contents of this row?"
                    in4UserResponse = MsgBox(strMessage _
                            , vbExclamation Or vbYesNoCancel Or vbDefaultButton2 _
                            , strPROCEDURE_NAME)
                    If in4UserResponse = vbNo Then
                        GoTo NextRow
                    ElseIf in4UserResponse = vbCancel Then
                        Exit Do
                        '...continue with the user's permission.
                    End If
                End If
                objRange.Offset(0, in4RelativeCol).Value = _
            Next in4PieceIndex
            '  --   Advance a row.
            in4CurrentRow = in4CurrentRow + 1
            Application.Goto Reference:="R" & CStr(in4CurrentRow) _
                    & "C1"
    End With

End Sub



If you find that your invisible delimiter is not a line feed character (LF) or a carriage return character (CR), you can add code following the comment "Prompt for the delimiter" to handle a different delimiter.


2023-03 addendum: Before/during September 2022 (shortly before I posted this solution), Microsoft added the built-in function TEXTSPLIT to the latest versions of Excel. TEXTSPLIT also supports the use of multiple delimiters in one pass. So while the VBA code above is still usable (and of course, can be customized for special circumstances), the use of TEXTSPLIT might be a better, quicker choice.

Um, this is amazing and it worked with the CR!

To reply to @dscheikey, I was using Ctrl J in the Find and Replace function to (I guess hopefully) get rid of all of the carriage returns, but obviously it didn't work.

This is the very first time I've posted somewhere and gotten an answer that worked. Thank you x 1,000,000 @SnowMan55!

@SnowMan55  oh wow!!!!  Thank you so much.  I tried using the TEXTSPLIT and couldn't get it to work, but your VBA procedure worked a treat!  I had never used Visual Basic in a spreadsheet before, but it was pretty easy to do with your code.  Thank you, thank you, thank you.  There were fist pumps in the air when it worked!!


Why don't combination of TEXTJOIN/TEXTSPLIT doesn't work?

@Axle-Flipps_1 Could be solved with a combination of Sequence and index? 




See attached file for example.

