Take out too much information in a cell in Excel

Copper Contributor

I have too much information in a cell in Excel

Example: 1234 Miles - I want to drop Miles and keep the numbers

I have over two hundreds that I need to fix.


Thank You,

5 Replies
Try this:
FIND(“ “,A2)-1)

This is not working very well

I tried using this formula in a cell next to it and comes up #NAME?

This what I used  =—LEFT(A2,FIND(“ “,A2)-1)




Please ensure that the LEFT function is preceded by double negatives. I’m replying through mobile phone so the double negatives don’t appear as they should be.


Have you tried "text to columns" on the "data" tab? If there is a space between '1234' and 'miles', you can click on "fixed width" and every section will appear in its own column. Just add enough columns next to the cells that contain too much info. Once done, you can delete unwanted columns and keep only the info you need.


I ended up using Data-Text to Columns and it work great. 


Thank You!!

