Requesting help combining item lists

Copper Contributor

Hello and thank you in advance! I have List of Items Sold with Qty & Dollar Amount. I also have a Master List of items which is much longer. How can I migrate "Qty" and "Dollar Amount" columns from the Items Sold list over to the Master List?

2 Replies

VLOOKUP. Mind=Blown :))


If there are other ways then I would still be interested in learning those as well. 



VLOOKUP is the best solution in this case, and you seem to have found this solution!


Anyway, I've improved the solution for you by using IFERROR function to replace #NA! error with "No match".

In addition to COLUMNS function and some mixed cell references so that you don't have to write the formula from the scratch for each column, just put it in one column and then drag it to the right.


Here is the formula in cell B2, try to drag it cell C2 and see how it works.


=IFERROR(VLOOKUP($A2,$E$2:$G$9,COLUMNS($A$1:B$1),0),"No match")


If you don't want "No match", you can replace it with this "" to show nothing as follows:




Please find the attached file.