Pivot Table sorting

Copper Contributor

Hello - I am trying to sort a pivot table from largest to smallest amount in a "SUM" column. Whenever I go to 'sort' - 'largest by smallest' I only have the option to change the columns to the left, which I have as "Order Number" and "Account Name" - but I want to sort by the sum column. Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you.

2 Replies

Try eliminating all but the first of the "informational" fields. In your example, de-select the "Account Name" field. 

Now sort by the Value ("SUM") column.

Finally add your informational fields back.

Your data should remain sorted.  Unfortunately, if you need to refresh the pivot table because of changes or additions in data, you may need to repeat these steps.


@PlaneFun330 Thank you so much! That worked perfectly.