Pivot Table filters

Copper Contributor

I have a problem with the filtering of pivot tables. I have a data base with a list of instructors down the first column and a list of qualifications down the first row. I have a slicer that will only show me the instructors that meet the qualifications I have filtered. The problem is the qualification list on that first row is so long it does not fit on the page. How can I get the pivot table to do a drop down list filtered by row the same way it does it by column. Or how do I group the row portions into a filter? I have tried to transpose the data but then the instructor slicer does not work. Any thoughts?

4 Replies
Could you post a screenshot to help us understand what you're situation is. Thanks
The problem is with your source data, you can't do what you want to do in a Pivot Table unless you "unpivot" the data first. You can do this with Power Query if you have Excel 2013 or Excel 2016.

If you have Excel 2013 you can download Power Query, if you have Excel 2016 or Office365 then it's already built in.

Do you have one of these versions?