Name manager dynamic range

Copper Contributor
I would like to setup a dynamic range selection using excel Name Manager.
I found this function that almost do the job. The issue i have is that i want to select several columns and not only one. Any idea?

Below the found that is working with on column / i did not find a way to select multiple columns:


With this formula used in name manager, I will dynamically sélect all content columns K based on data of column A
What to do to select dynamically K to O Columns dynamically?

Thank you
3 Replies


Please attach your sample file to illustrate your data layout and desired results.

Finally, I found the solution:




to select multiple column:

1. select column range (in Red)

2. change the last digit (in orange) = number column you want to select if 2 columns put 2, etc.








if select starting from second row