If Formula Error

Copper Contributor

I am trying to use the if function below to display employee performance rankings. I created a base sheet to compile data from other sheets, and I created the equation below:


=IF(Base!E3=1, Base!A3, IF(Base!E4=1, Base!A4, If(Base!E5=1, Base!a5, if(Base!E6=1, Base!A6, If(Base!E7=1, Base!A7, If(Base!E8=1, Base!A8, If Base!E9=1, Base!A9, If(Base!E10=1, Base!A10, If(Base!E11=1, Base!A11, If(Base!E12=1, Base!A12, IF(Base!E13=1, Base!A13, If Base!E14=1, Base!E14))))))))))))


However, when hit enter to go to the next box and make its formula, I get a error that says I have too many arguements. Using Excel's built in F1 help menus,


"You can nest up to 64 levels of functions in a formula."


I have far less than 64 Levels. I am looking for some help as to how I can complete my task, as the formula in all cells I am looking to fill in need to have the same structure to it.

2 Replies



It appears that you missed a couple of "(" marked in red.

Additionally, you must finish the last argument of the last If() function marked in green.


=IF(Base!E3=1, Base!A3, IF(Base!E4=1, Base!A4, If(Base!E5=1, Base!A5, If(Base!E6=1, Base!A6, If(Base!E7=1, Base!A7, If(Base!E8=1, Base!A8, If(Base!E9=1, Base!A9, If(Base!E10=1, Base!A10, If(Base!E11=1, Base!A11, If(Base!E12=1, Base!A12, IF(Base!E13=1, Base!A13, If(Base!E14=1, Base!E14,"ERROR"))))))))))))

Nevermind. I just found my mistake.