Get & Transform

Copper Contributor


Is it possible , in the Get and Transform Option to split a column by 2 or more different delimiters at the same time ?

For Example ..selecting "(", Then selecting ")", then selecting "-" a column can be split be selecting 3 different delimiters at the same time ……...

I am familiar with Text to Columns however I can't work out how to do this in the Get and Transform area ….thankyou in advance for all your advice 

J T 

1 Reply


Yes, that's possible. First split by any one delimiter, let say comma. In formula bar second part of the formula will be like

Splitter.SplitTextByDelimiter(",", QuoteStyle.Csv), {"Col.1", "Col.2"}

Change inserting Any in function name and adding list of all your delimiters, like

Splitter.SplitTextByAnyDelimiter({",",";"}, QuoteStyle.Csv), {"Col.1", "Col.2", "Col.3"}