Formula help If(Countif for multiple range)

Copper Contributor

I am trying to write a formula to count  a singular "1" if any number of No's appears within 2 distinct ranges.


So if no in B30, and/or B33:37 need to count as 1 what I have now is. 


=IF(Countif('Sheet 18'!B33:B37,"no"),"1","0")+IF(Countif('Sheet 18'!B30,"no"),"-1","0")+IF(Countif('Sheet 17'!B33:B37,"no"),"1","0")+IF(Countif('Sheet 17'!B30,"no"),"-1","0") .... etc etc


The issue here is that if there is a "no" in 33 and a "no" in 30 it counts 2.  <Or> functions do not appear to work because range is in same column and criteria is the same too. 


Example:  I am reviewing if each of 18 students has packed correctly for a trip. Each student has a checklist which will feed into a summary sheet that tells me how many children got a "no" in the section 30 and 33:37 (excluding line 31 and 32 ).

I cannot change the checklist or the order of questions. In the image the formula counts this as 3 students instead of 2 that are missing multiple items.



My workbook is getting bogged down w 20 checklists each containing data validation drop downs (yes or no's) in addition to the linked data / formulas across 


I have looked into array formulas as well as pivot tables but I fear those options will bog down the workbook even more, complicate things for my team,  as well as deviate from controlled format of these documents. Basically its gotta be a formula and I cant change the format/ order of questions


The concept here is simple, and I know its out there but I am totally stuck. 


pls and thank you!!! 




5 Replies

Hi Jordan,


As for formula question you may use

=(Countif('Sheet 18'!B33:B37,"no")>0)*('Sheet 18'!B30="no")

Hi Sergei! I appreciate your assistance. I tried your formula, but unfortunately I am finding that it is not working. Perhaps you can help me see what I have done wrong? 

please and thank you! excelhlp2.JPG


Jordan, perhaps I misunderstood your logic. You need 1 then both B30, B33:B37 have "no", or only one of them or what?

Hi Sergei -- 


I would have needed both -- I apologize for the confusion. I found the source of my error came down to order of operations (silly mistake on my part - I needed to close both operations inside the a parentheses so they functioned together rather than a separately ). This was the final equation that I needed.

If(countif('Sheet 1'!C33:C37,"no"),"1","0"+If(countif('Sheet 1'!C30,"no"),"1","0"))


I appreciate the time and attention you paid to my problem! 

Hi Jordan,


Here and attach is set of formulas we have


Your one returns "1" if "no" was found in C33:C37, otherwise


You don't need first "0" plus formula will return text or value depends on combination (Excel transforms numerical texts when try to perform arithmetic operations, e.g. ="5"+"3" gives the same result as =5+3, i.e. 8). To simplify, it'll be nested IF


Same result with


Both return 1 if we have one or two "no", otherwise 0.

Previous formula returns 1 if both "no", otherwise 0.