FInding a cell with a particular word in, then putting the next row's figure into a new cell

Copper Contributor

I receive bank statements which show amounts received from Paypal, Amazon and Another company in Column E over many pages, and the next column shows the amount received. 

I wish to not only calculate the total amount received from each, I also want to list them under their own heading in a separate column.


Although I can use A-Z to sort them into an order,This doesn't necessarily keep them in the date order they appear on the statement and also does not retain the bank statement in the order I go down it.  I would like to create another table to the right, which extracts the information retaining the original.


Can anyone help me, I have gone to two columns at the end, and entitled one as Paypal, one as Amazon.


I would like to then put a formula in that looks in each Row under Column E and if the word Paypal appears, populate that cell with the amount from the same row in  Column F going down in this way for all the individual entries on the bank statement.  Likewise for the cells under the heading Amazon.


The only problem is, being a bank statement it doesn't just show the word Paypal or Amazon, there is a space after the word followed by other information which is different on every row.


I have tried If and SumIf, but am not very proficient in Excel and am hoping someone on here can advise me.  I entered =SUMIF(E2:E273,"Paypal",E2:E273)  and it didn't work.



6 Replies
Please disregard the words 'another company in column E' they weren't meant to be in the question. Thanks



I noticed in your sample function provided, you are using the same range as a Criteria Range (for payment methods) and as Sum Range (for amounts)

I am attaching a sample file where I am using the function in L1 as follows:


The condition is selected from a drop list as needed in cell J1.

Hope that helps

Nabil Mourad


The first part of your question simply requires the use of a wildcard criterion

= SUMIFS( Amount, Vendor, "*"& selected &"*" )

[the cell named 'selected' is assumed to contain "Paypal"]

To get a filtered list with inexact matches is harder.  The start is to identify whether the selected string is to be found in each of the Vendors listed

=  ISNUMBER( SEARCH( selected, Vendor ) )

For me, using Office 365 insider, I then simply nest the formula within the FILTER function

=  FILTER( Amount, ISNUMBER( SEARCH( selected, Vendor ) ) )

In earlier versions of Excel the record numbers are first returned, then SMALL is used to filter out the mismatches and, finally, INDEX is used to look up the amounts.

Nabilbourad, thank you for this, I can see from the formula you have put in the body of the text what this means and will look at the attachment regarding the drop list and give it a try. Many thanks for the time you have spent offering this help.
Peter thanks for the advice, I am unfamiliar with wildcards and will look into this as it is always good to increase knowledge with Excel. I will do my best to give this a go also.


Please find attached a copy of  @nabilmourad's workbook containing all the formula, including a copy of the original formula converted to employ defined names rather than direct references.

The final FILTER formula only works with Dynamic Array versions of Excel.