Excel challenge - file size, productiviy, efficiencies

Copper Contributor
Hi Excel community,

I am wonder if you could enlight me with an excel challenge.
I pull P&L data every month from our ERP Oracle OBIEE. Each month i get around 40k rows and 20 columns. Next to what i download I have added columns with formulas to do some reclasification and I assign costs that in the P&L are not linked to a product or a category. I went line by line to see which avcount number should be reclassified and create a set of rules.
The challenge i am facing is that everymonth i need to paste new data so the model can do their work. The file is becoming very heavy and difficult to work with. Is there any way I can add the data and run the model without opening the excel file? maybe powerquery or powerpivot, I later use the columns i need with powerquery and connect to tableau for analysis. I know very little about Dax but i heard you can have millions of rows wirh no issue. Can I recreate my model using Dax Formulae instead of excel formulas???
I would really appreciate any help

Thanks from Ecuador, South America
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