Excel Mac Pivot Charts - Can you switch rows and columns without changing the pivot table?

Copper Contributor



I love the new Pivot Chart feature on Excel 2016 for Mac. However sometimes I would like to Switch Rows and Columns on the chart without affecting the pivot table.


For instance, in a pivot table where amounts are organised on a horizontal timeline, if I try to do a line chart, I cannot see the timeline I would expect. I get something like this:Screen Shot 2018-05-16 at 06.08.22.png


If I Switch Row and Column, I get this: 


Screen Shot 2018-05-16 at 06.10.12.png


This is the view I am looking for, however the pivot table is now showing a vertical timeline and not a horizontal timeline. This is not ideal, as I normally work with timelines in horizontal buckets.


Do you have any ideas as to how this can be rectified - ie a line chart from the second screenshot from a pivot table in the first screenshot?




Colm Ryan



2 Replies

I'm having the same issue. Very annoying.


If your pivot table has time across columns, (ex: Jan, Feb, Mar - most common in finance) the pivot chart automatically uses that data for the y axis (instead of x).


How can this be switched?

Hi Tom,


Pivot Chart is always has the same layout as connected Pivot Table. You may create and hide another Pivot Table to which your Pivot Chart will be connected; or create Power Chart only from data model with Power View (for Windows, not sure how it is on Mac)