Editing the Community Event Planner Template

Copper Contributor

Hello All!


I have been tasked with creating a conversion calendar for all upcoming software conversions in my company for an upcoming conference. I really wanted to use the "Community Event Planner" template because once I entered a client on the event tab they would populate on the calendar with the day they are scheduled to convert. But I also need the point of contact for that company to display on the calendar. I have already added columns for "Point of Contact" on the events page. But what do I need to add to the formula on the Calendar page to get the new "Point of Contact" column to display. Below is the formula on this page:




Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Thank you,



1 Reply

Hi Miranda,


It depend on how you'd like to show your point of contact. If together with Event name (colimn 4) and your Point of Contact is next coulumn, you may simply show the as one string:


=IFERROR(INDEX(tblEvents,SMALL(IF(Dates=C$11,ROW(Dates)),ROW(1:1))-TableRowStart,4),"") &
" " &

Above is array formula, use Ctrl+Shift+Enter.


After you change the formula you may copy/paste it within other calendar entries for one week. For another week you have to repeat, don't copy formula from one week cells to another.