Current Averages of Year to Date

Copper Contributor

Hi Everybody,


I am trying to find out the average output of my business for the most recent month and year to date. 

I was wondering how you might make this sort of rolling average. 

Currently I had gone for using the averageifs function but am not too sure about syntax.


Screen Shot 2019-06-19 at 11.38.15 am.pngScreen Shot 2019-06-19 at 11.37.48 am.png

















If anyone has any advice, that would be greatly appreciated!





5 Replies
In English, your formula returns the average of total output for weeks ending from tomorrow to 360 days from today. Is that what you want to obtain from your formula?

@Twifoo Thank you for the reply. Yes I would like to get the weekly average for the year
and then also for the month so I assume I would be just changing it to TODAY()-30


Trouble is I'm not actually getting anything

I am actually getting #DIV/0
Please attach your sample file so that I can personally test the formula and probably discover the reason for the #DIV/0! error.

@Hugo Puflett 

Your formula is trying to return the projected total output for the next 360 days. To return the historical output for the last 1 month before today, your formula should be: 

=AVERAGEIFS(Table5[Total Output],

Table5[Week Ending],">="&EDATE(TODAY(),-1),

Table5[Week Ending],"<="&(TODAY())

For the last 1 year before today, your formula should be: 

=AVERAGEIFS(Table5[Total Output],

Table5[Week Ending],">="&EDATE(TODAY(),-12),

Table5[Week Ending],"<="&(TODAY())

Your current formula is returning #DIV/0! error probably because there are no dates in the Week Ending column of Table5, which are after today.