Convert from standard notation to time does not work

Copper Contributor

JI have loaded date from a database and want to convert that data to time but it does not work. The format is now standard en looks like this. 164833. If i convert it to time then it becomes 00:00:00. Does anyone know what to do. In this format i can not use it for proces mining. 

10 Replies





If this notation 164833 means hhmmss, then you can use this formula to convert it to proper time format:


Time Format.png


Hope that helps 

Hello @Gijsl,


Are you looking to convert 164833 into the format 16:48:33?




@Gijsl  so if you have a serial date (just a number), then use this formula in a cell (like D8) '=TEXT(C8,"m/d/yyyy")'


does that help?

whoops, missed the boat on that one, ignore this:



Yes that is right. That is what i am trying to achive.  

@Haytham Amairah 


het werkt👍🏻  It works. Tnx. 

@Haytham Amairah 


It is almost perfect but de conversion is wrong with time before noon. For example 93031 is converted to 21:03:31. But it is in de morning en not in the evening. And 84340 is converted in 12:34:40. Do you know what i am doing wrong. 



Sorry, it seems that the formula has a bug!

I've fixed it as follows:




Treating the original as a number, convert first to correctly formatted text, then back to a time value

= TIMEVALUE( TEXT(number, "00\:00\:00") )