Complex IF Statement - Excel

Copper Contributor

I'm trying to build a calculator for my team to  calculate benefit insurance effective dates based on an employees hire date. The 2 options are "First of month after waiting pd." or "First of month coinciding with or after waiting pd." I have the formula to calculate first of month after but I can't figure out how to do "coinciding with". 


The IF statement I wrote is =IF(E9=DATE(YEAR(E9),MONTH(E9),1),=E9,=Date(year(E9),Month(E9)+1,1))


If I keep the quotation marks in: =IF(E9=DATE(YEAR(E9),MONTH(E9),1),"=E9","=Date(year(E9),Month(E9)+1,1)") 

it returns the text string without a problem but I need it to return the actual result of the formula instead of just the text.

If true (if the date in E9 is the first of the month), I need it to return the value of cell E9. If false(if it's not the 1st of the month, I need it to return the date as first of the following month.


Any advice? 


2 Replies
Use this formula: