Comma versus dot causes problems and I can't be alone or?

Copper Contributor

Hi, new in this forum and lives in Sweden (guess that one is a lead on the problem, Sweden I mean).


Writing a macro (as newbie) and stumbled into a problem working with constants containing decimals (exchange rates) in values.

Key parts of macro:


Dim sCurr As Single

sCurr = 7.1

ActiveCell.Offset(0, 8).FormulaR1C1 = "=RC[-3]*" & sCurr


Will bring on error 1004


If setting sCurr to 7 then it works like a charm

If trying to use the comma in the value then not allowed to do that.

sCurr will write correct value directly in a cell e.g. 7,1


The workaround is to have an intermediate step actually writing it into a cell and use absolute reference to that cell (B1). Then it works

    ActiveCell.Offset(0, 8).FormulaR1C1 = "=RC[-3]*R1C2"


What am I missing? I like to have the formula as a result and not only value for audit purpose. It is supposed to be installed in several computers and I don't fancy to play around with local settings per country and stuff.


Thankful for all help I can get, spent hours doing the correct syntax in the formula over and over again without noticing the real problem





2 Replies

Hi @Peter Sunden



Dim sCurr As Decimal (or) Dim sCurr As Double


Instead of 

Dim sCurr As Decimal

Thanks Logaraj


Using Single today and not Decimal. Have tried with Double with no result...


