Calculate age

Copper Contributor

How do I calculate age with DATEDIF. In exel works do that with a date such as d-mm/dd/yyyy format. In the examples I see the d/mm/yyyy date format how do I change it


Hoe kan ik een leeftijd berekenen met datum verschil.

In exel werkt dat niet met een datum zoals d-mm-jjjj.

In de voorbeelden zie ik de datum notatie d/mm/jjjj

Hoe kan ik dit veranderen

2 Replies
For getting the age, I would recommend YEARFRAC.
How to and examples here:

Jan, in Excel dates are just sequential integer number starting from 1 which is Jan 01, 1900. Thus Nov 01, 2018 is equal to 43374. For the calculations it doesn't matter in which format dates are presented.


As Vitalie recommended if you'd like to have the age in form like 37.23 years better to use YEARFRAC. If in form like "28 years 11 months and 5 days" - better DATEDIF as in support article.